Recent Posts
November 06, 2015
AngularUI - UI Bootstrap Datepicker and Timepicker Neutral Timezone
This article relates to AngularJS and Angular UI Bootstrap (0.14.x), and provides a simple solution to using and storing dates or timings in a timezone-neutral manner.
October 29, 2015
Installing Ruby on Rails on OS X
Sometimes, I just can't help it but lose faith in Ruby on Rails. Sure, Ruby on Rails provides a really great framework, but I have never been excited about its mediocre processing speed and of course the installation nightmare it causes on Mac OS X.
October 27, 2015
Installing & Using Docker in OS X for Beginners
Docker is really a pretty useful tool, if you didn't know that. Never has it been easier to develop an application in a uniform environment, stage an application in a similar environment to production, and last but not least push the application u...
October 20, 2015
Installing Docker Compose in CoreOS
With the acquisition of Fig, it is really cool now that Docker has a new tool docker-compose that allows you to use docker on multiple docker containers all at once.
October 20, 2015
A basic workflow for Docker (Compose) with MEAN stack
Interestingly, I found a lack of articles illustrating a basic workflow for Docker or Docker Compose with the MEAN stack, so I decided to provide some insight.